digital nomad iconThe Craziest Digital Scientist

Curiosity ... without killing cats


Jose's page
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About Me

Iam a PhD Scientist and Engineer with +29 years of National & International experience. My main professional fields are Biological Sciences and Technology & Innovation for the public & private sectors. I studied Biology, Food Technology, Nutrition, Organizational Engineering and Data Science. I am currently working as a Digital Freelancer for data science and social media partners while managing my own e-Health projects. Currently looking for partners / investors for one of my projects.

  • “Enjoy life to the fullest! It's too short”

    — Jose

  • “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs”

    — Unknown

  • “The art of asking questions is the source of all knowledge”

    — Thomas Berger

Digital Scientist News

"A little news source for Digital Nomads"

Industries are adapting to digital nomads


Why I choose to be a Digital Nomad


More about Digital Nomads

Other projects

"Connecting past, present and future"


Transforming ideas into real services/products that give value to customers

Innovation (H2020)
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Data Analytics
Quality Management


Health and happiness are intimately related, so as exercise and mood

Weight Management

Community Health

Android apps


I was born to be a scientist, even when I am traveling, eating or sleeping

Computer Biology & Bioinformatics
Back-end Data Management
(, PartiGene, Phylopro)
Molecular Biology
Biomedical Research
AI/Machine Learning


For those who want to know me more, here is my CV and some of my scientific publications