Iam a PhD Scientist and Engineer with +29 years of National & International experience. My main professional fields are Biological Sciences and Technology & Innovation for the public & private sectors. I studied Biology, Food Technology, Nutrition, Organizational Engineering and Data Science. I am currently working as a Digital Freelancer for data science and social media partners while managing my own e-Health projects. Currently looking for partners / investors for one of my projects.
"A little news source for Digital Nomads"
"From the wet lab to the wet weather"
First Artificial Intelligent Weight Loss Platform integrating 3 key variables of real-time data, BIG DATA & Machine Learning
From the Idea to Real Digital Business
Lastest news and featured home-articles
"Right people, right solutions"
Are you looking for a good paid job, being recognized by your employers and want to learn english? If so I've got the right job for you
"Good Project = Good Funding"
R&D, Innovation & Digital Transformation
"Connecting past, present and future"
From the bottom to the top
Virtual CreationsTechnical writing
Example 1 (Scientific)Transforming ideas into real services/products that give value to customers
Innovation (H2020)Health and happiness are intimately related, so as exercise and mood
Weight ManagementI was born to be a scientist, even when I am traveling, eating or sleeping
Computer Biology & Bioinformatics